Poem of the fallen bird
“Poem of the Fallen Bird” is a hybrid narrative short film that follows the encounter between a young Ukrainian woman and a foreign journalist in war-time Kyiv. We watch as they open their trust for each other, re-discover feelings of love while navigating the chaos and uncertainty during curfew hour. Film asks the question, is there possibility to connect on profound level with each other, when the experience of seeing the war becomes so different and gap continues to grow with every day? Films brings together documentary and narrative footage, both shot on 16mm Kodak film, to show the complexity of living through the war, and how seeing, experiencing horror, effects ability to feel beauty and connect with people. Furthermore, we use black and white war frames by renowned Ukrainian photographers.
Country(ies) of (co)production
Canada, Ukraine
Sales Agent
Control Freak Production
Main Contact:
Liliya Syvytska
Involved Financial Partners or Funds
Jordan Findley, Vancouver based producer;
Liliya Syvytska
Release Date
1st of May, 2024
Drama, Hybrid narrative film (with experimental and documentary elements)
Creative Team
Director/screenwriter: Liliya Syvytska
DOP: Antonia Ramirez
DOP for documentary part: Kyrylo Piddubnyi
Executive producer CA: Jordan Findlay
Production Company UA: Control Freak
Executive producer UA: Elizaweta Mowshyna
Line producer: Marharyta Voronova
Editor: Kyryl Volovych
Lead actors: Dasha Plahtiy, Edward Akrout