The Father's Project
Creative Team
Director, writer and editor - Zlata Veresniak
Narration and personal archives of - Julien Suhami, Myroslava Lutsiv, Zlata Veresniak
Sound design - Valentin Mazingarbe
What do we remember about our fathers? What if our memories are so strong that they keep us from communicating with our dads? The Father's project is my own, and my dearest friend's exploration of the relationships with our dads, based on our childhood memories of them. We describe, for ourselves and others, moments of happiness, longing, sadness, and shame. And love. It’s our trial to use every bit of what we remember, to meet our fathers now. To come back as adults to the reality in which we are still children. It’s a collective portrait of the absent father.
Country(ies) of (co)production
Belgium, Poland, Ukraine
Sales Agent
Main Contact:
Zlata Veresniak
Involved Financial Partners
or Funds
Zlata Veresniak
Release Date
April/May, 2024