Let's start with our main hero Olenka, who used to live in the small village, now came to Kyiv to find a job as a game developer. She goes on an interview with a big company, but she is not the only candidate for this vacancy. There is also the forest Mavka who wants to work in the company. When she enters the interview room she sees no other but Mavka. The spirits known by this term represented the souls of girls who had died unnatural, tragic, or premature deaths, particularly non-baptized babies. She wants to escape from Chugaister, (mavkahunter) and the human world is the best option for her. By the end of the interview, Mavka gets the job of game developer, even if she doesn't know game development at all. The reason is that Olenka's test task was perceived as Mavkas. Olenka, the real genius of game development, got the position of cleaning girl in the office, and, obviously, didn't like it. From now on, she tries to eliminate Mavka with any methods available. She even invites the priest to the office so he can baptize Mavka. And not only that! To keep Mavka in one place as she’s being baptized, Olenka, being the tech genius she is, programs the ordinary toilet into a transformer-killing machine! Office employees don't believe Olenka when she claims that Mavka is in fact a mythological creature. City people forgot this mythology as society continued to advance with technology and humans living their dull daily routines. Olenka is the only one who knows because she used to live in the village with molfars and witches who didn't lose connection with the spirit world. So everyone in the company supports Mavka.
Country of production
Sales Agent
Taisiia Kosolap
Main Contact:
Viktoriia Pohribna
Involved Financial Partners
or Funds
Personal funds
Viktoriia Pohribna, Taisiia Kosolap
Release Date
December 28, 2024
Social satire, humor